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- +44 7881 673481
- info@sltlondon.com
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Assessment is the first stage of treatment. We carry out a comprehensive initial assessment using a range of informal and formal methods to understand the difficulties a client is experiencing and how they are affecting their daily life.
The assessment led speech therapy process usually includes a detailed case history and a discussion with the individual, as well as their family or main communication partners. Depending on the client’s needs, a thorough assessment of the following skills is conducted:
Expressive language skills: The ability to express thoughts, ideas, feelings, and messages using spoken or written language. Expressive language skills include
- Vocabulary use: The skill of selecting and using appropriate words to convey specific meanings and ideas.
- Grammar: The knowledge and application of grammatical rules and sentence structure to form coherent and grammatically correct sentences.
- Narrative Skills: The ability to tell stories or communicate information in a logical and organised manner with the right amount of informational content.
- Conversational Skills: The ability to participate in conversations, including turn-taking, topic maintenance, and appropriate social communication.
- Writing Skills: The ability to express thoughts and ideas in written form (e.g. letters, messages, emails, letters, essays etc ) including proper spelling, punctuation, and organization of written content.
Receptive Language skills: The ability to understand spoken or written language These skills involve the ability to process and comprehend information presented through words, whether it's through listening or reading.
Receptive language skills include:
- Listening Comprehension: The ability to understand and interpret spoken language, such as following instructions, understanding conversations, meetings, lectures, and presentations.
- Reading Comprehension: The ability to understand and extract meaning from written texts, including books, articles, instructions, and other written materials.
- Vocabulary Recognition: The skill to recognise and understand the meaning of words when encountered in speech or text.
- Grammar understanding: The ability to comprehend the structure and rules of language, including sentence formation, word order, and grammatical rules.
- Interpreting Nonverbal Communication: The ability to understand nonverbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and gestures, which can convey additional meaning in communication.
Speech Skills
- Articulation: The ability to pronounce speech sounds accurately and clearly. Articulation skills involve the precise movement of the lips, tongue, and vocal cords to produce sounds in a manner that is easily understood by others.
- Fluency: The ability to speak without disruptions, such as stuttering or hesitations that can impact communication.
- Voice Quality: The tone, pitch, and volume of voice.
- Speech Intelligibility: The degree to which a person's speech is comprehensible to others. Intelligibility skills involve articulation, pronunciation, and overall clarity of speech.
- Prosody: The patterns of stress, rhythm, and intonation in speech.
- Rate of Speech: The ability to speak with an appropriate rate of speech which allows for clear and understandable communication.
Swallowing: Clients who have difficulties with swallowing or dysphagia will have a detailed oro-motor examination and a clinical swallowing evaluation with food/drink, which may include the use of cervical auscultation, pulse oximetry, or cough reflex testing if indicated.
What happens after your Assessment?
After your assessment session is complete you will receive a written report that will provide information regarding the assessments carried out, the client’s identified strengths and areas of difficulty, whether a diagnosis has been identified, and future therapy recommendations and appropriate goals.